We provide junior and seniors with the mentorship, guidance, resources, and support to build a strong foundation to launch into the next phase of their lives. We believe every student has the ability to build a successful pathway for themselves, we are here to simply be a guide. The “Name of the Program”includes four interconnected pieces. Every student’s program includes each piece. Each piece is carefully curated to support a student’s solid post-high school success.
Provide an avenue for youths so we can help prevent them from entering into juvenile delinquency system which could lead to them being a part of the adult incarceration system. Address their current educational needs while working with each student to help them design, manage, and build their own pathway to success.
We partner with local High Schools to students for our program. We market our services to foster homes, juvenile courts and at-risk youth centers. Students must volunteer for our program through an informal counseling session. Each student is assigned a mentor and career counselor through our partnership with National Career Group. A career pathway is designed by each student and supported by their counselors and mentor.
To provide services to hundreds of youths in need of support who are considered underserved.